we the committee members throw a bbq...
the person in charge is alfie...
on friday alfie and me when to each person house to take money...
just like 'along' la tek...
after that we go to the crime scene...
which at Jalan Bintang...
alfie took some picture...
after that we go and bought all the things for the bbq next day...
on the day...
i was doing nothing...
just waiting for the time....
then i receive a text 'ko dah ready??'
o its bern....
n what time he text me 3 o'clock in the afternoon...
shit so early..
then i reply 'maok pg nektok?'
he reply yes...
so i just go la..
paduhal he just go back from work...
ya bern is now working at SOHO as a Floor Manager..
only 2 days after final already become manager..
so first when to his house..
he said if he go home for sure he will sleep...
around 4 we make a move..
we pick alfie also...
with his stuff...
so much thing so small place...
so we when to Taman Awam..
so i asked alfie to check if got any place for us..
then he went back n say no more place..
so we decided to go xplanade....
waited for schnider to bring all the stuff...
so here is some picture that i took....



Deli papa chef

future is straight ahead

jez with the cute pose....

retarded face

another addicted person


the driver have no attitude

the car
there are some more picture...
just wait for the next post people...