this week i feel so stress cause the dinner is just around the corner.. but there were some clown that make me happy... its Donovan aka Bern aka Baby Don... he is like the original paper doll..
this morning i woke up early... n i don't know why.. hahhaa... go to institute very early also... we have a meeting bout the dinner.. and we had a very good news... hahahhah..... glad to hear that... then as usual we go to CB... play around 1 hour.. then go class cause got progress test... after that we go to kimmy's to have our lunch... very late around 2 something... then william and carl say they want to go class.. so left daniel, john and me... then john say want to drink... so i say go Armani la... then he say go A1 go 'drink'.. ok jak la... then he spon us 10 tins of 'drink'... around 4 something steph call ask where am i... so i say A1 here... then when she come she spon us again... 6 tins.. wow.... what a drink... go in class around 5.30 but late a bit.... then palak oso shaking but still ok... want some more... steph didn't go to class... when in class john suddenly laughing like hell when present.. and i can't stand it... all of us laugh like nobody business... hahhah!!!! suddenly my head ok oredy liao... then i go A1 hang out with steph with her bf... but the way i look steph oredy drunk.. but still ok la... wahahhaaa...... we hang out until 9 like that... then we go back... i'm so tired... 2moro have to present again... but no slide show... hahhahah.... thats it....
Sunday.. in the morning i went to church as usual.. after that have breakfast at my grandfather house.. then we clean the store cause its so dirty... and never been clean for a long time.. then when i went home Daniel is waiting outside my house.. waiting for doing assignment.. so i ask him to go in... at that time i take a bath... and guest what he is doing... playing GTA San Andreas... huhu.... so i ask him if he already done it finish.. he said a bit more to be done... when i check there are a lot need to be done.. and then i was like WTH.. so i just do it... and he is fooling around... couple minutes later no sound of him.. so when i turn back i saw he is sleeping.. hah... so after printing the assignment... i go and disturb him with the drumstick... hahhaha..... after that we send it to Ms Faiza house... and we are done with that... 1 word to explain... Freedom... but still have to present... hah.. after sending it we went to Kenyalang.. cause daniel have not eaten his lunch... so he bought some burger and noodle.. we went to pulau melayu just to hang out.. its a nice place watching people fishing... more relaxing...
the hungry man
even the van penjaja also come to fish...
its windy there..
1 more thing Malaysia have been defeated by China... i don't know what happen to Lee Chong Wei...
Country Name Match Game 1 Game 2
CHN LIN Dan 2 21 21
MAS LEE Chong Wei 0 12 8
but in my way of seeing... Lin Dan is taking Chong Wei technique.. all the style that Lin Dan playing is Chong Wei technique... it was not so good... and the match is only around 39 minutes...
its been a long time i didn't post anything... hahhaha.... last week its been a long week... now we are addicted in a game called snooker... hahhaha.... david is the one that make us love this game....
the leader
the followers.... here is something funny... its John... n he is trying the dress for the dinner...
so damn funny.... n here's a job that had been done by robin n the gang...
superb.... good job... its like the real thing... n that sunday im working becoming clown....